Worldwide Prayer Meeting

Jan 25, 2024 | by Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee

Pakistan Monument - Islamabad

Prayer Focus - Pakistan Territory

We give God glory for this opportunity. Thank you for taking time to join us in this time of prayer for The Salvation Army and its work around the world. By looking at other places, we not only learn and enter into the lives of other believers, but we gain perspective on our where we are in God’s kingdom. We are indeed the family of God.


Almighty God, You sent Your dear Son Jesus to bring the world back to You. We praise You for all those who have gone forth from the first disciples to the present day, bearing witness for You through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Your gospel was meant for all people in all nations and in all circumstances. And because of that, all of us who have found You as our Savior and Lord have brothers and sisters of all colors and languages and races who are our family because we have You as our common Father. We gather together before Your throne, and though we are different, we are united in praise and worship of You, the one true God. We call upon You to enable us to serve You and witness for You in this hour for Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever! Amen.


The timbrel drill from Pakistan is part of a youth competition. Enjoy!


Background of the Pakistan Territory

            The nation of Pakistan was formed in 1947 when Great Britain withdrew from South Asia and partitioned what was then India into the nations of Pakistan, with a Muslim majority and India with a Hindu majority. Its economy is based on agriculture, light industry, and service but it is plagued with high inflation, huge budget deficits and widespread corruption. A crumbling infrastructure is complicated by frequent interruptions in electricity and gas. Twenty percent of the population lives below the poverty level, heightened by the drain on the government’s fight against radical Islamic groups. Rapid population growth, limited land and water also contribute to the nation’s problems.

            Young people form a substantial portion of Pakistan’s population with 37% under 15 years old and 50% are under 24. Prospects are not good for the youth because only 40% are enrolled in state schools. Child labor and forced marriages, often to repay debts, keep many few young people from breaking the cycle of poverty.

            A lot of government funding has been directed to military spending because of its contentious relationships with its neighbors, particularly India over the Kashmir region, Iran and Afghanistan.

            Although theoretically a great degree of religious freedom is promised, in practice it is not so. Christians, Hindus, and even non-Sunni Muslims must practice their faiths cautiously because of the threats of extremists. The anti-blasphemy law levels the death penalty on anyone who defames Mohammed and life in prison for anyone who defiles a Quran. Even a rumor that something like this has happened is enough to set off mob violence and vicious attacks against Christians and other minorities.            

            Despite all this Christianity continues to grow in Pakistan. But because Christians are largely from the poorest classes, resources are scarce and unfortunately, lately outside resources have been drying up.

            The Salvation Army: Because the area that is now Pakistan was once part of what was the colony of India, work was originally pioneered by Commissioner Frederick Tucker. Work began in what is now Pakistan in 1883 in Lahore and was incorporated in the nation of Pakistan in October 1968.

Facts, Stats and Leadership

of the Pakistan Territory

  • Total population to fish and disciple: 243,023,573
  • 358 officers, 3 aux-captains, 22 cadets, 131 employees
  • 113 retired officers
  • 134 corps, 378 outposts and societies
  • 40,690 senior soldiers
  • 3,763 adherents
  • 9,399 junior soldiers


  • Territorial Commander: Colonel Diana MacDonald
  • Territorial Leader for Leader Development: Colonel MacDonald Candi
  • Chief Secretary: Lt. Colonel Safdar Iqbal
  • Territorial President of Women’s Ministries: Lt. Colonel Asia Safdar

Prayer Requests for

the Pakistan Territory



§ Colonel Diana's leadership as a woman leading the Pakistan Territory in an Islamic country.

§ 22 cadets commissioned (Reflectors of Holiness) in March 2023.

§ Reopening of Jhang district in April 2023.

§ Opening of new corps, Jinnah Abadi in Sahiwal Division.

§ Opening of a new society, Chastian in the Sahiwal Division.

§ International appointment, Captains Humaira and Asher in October 2023.

§ 15 Cadets, in the session of Champions of the Mission, entered training college. 

§ Territorial review held in November 2023.

§ Certificate in Leadership development (Graduation of Cohort 2 in Nov 2023)


§ Opening of new corps in the territory.

§ The work of The Salvation Army in Pakistan and spiritual revival in the territory.

§ General Election in Pakistan and ongoing inflation and economic and political imbalance in the country.

§ Cadets of Champions of Mission

§ Ongoing climate change

Strategic Priorities

1 - Financial Sustainability

We will move towards financial independence and sustainability, by promoting stewardship (including tithing) among our people, by careful financial management, and by promoting enterprise skills at the community level for reducing reliance on external sources of finance.

2 - Discipleship

We will engage in theological education development at all levels for equipping soldiers (members) and officers (ministers).

3 - Growth

We will open new plants (e.g. societies) and reopen some former mission-units (e.g. corps, social centers) based on assessment of mission potential.

4 - Relationships

We will develop new and existing relationships with government officials, and with other churches, at both divisional and territorial levels.

5 - Leader-development

We will develop officers through effective succession-planning, leader-development, and ‘refresher’ courses. 

USA Southern Territory

Prayer Requests

  • The family of Major Patricia Kitchens Waters, who was Promoted to Glory this past week
  • Commissioner Kelly Igleheart, Territorial Commander
  • Major Lynda Thornhill, Territorial Mission, Evangelism & Cultural Ministries Secretary, Program
  • Chief Communications
  • Lakeia Tuck, Territorial Financial Consolidations Director, Finance
  • Steven Nolan, Digital Media Developer, Communications
  • John Brown, Building Maintenance Mechanic, Property
  • Captain Bryan Farrington, Director of Property, Home & Transportation, EBC
  • Cadet Lorine Desardouin
  • Major Jay Spalding, Divisional Candidates’ Secretary, North & South Carolina Division
  • Reverend Diane Ury, National Ambassador for Holiness, NHQ
  • Majors Mark & Jan Harwell, and the officers, soldiers, employees and volunteers of the Alabama, Louisiana & Mississippi Division
  • Senior soldiers
  • Margaret Love, the sister of Maryann Schumacher (THQ Social Services Department) who has ALS. Her condition is deteriorating rapidly so we are asking for prayer for her comfort as she prepares to meet the Lord.
  • Anonymous request for a family who lost their father this week
  • Anonymous request for the health of herself and daughter, as the her husband is not strong enough to raise the children if something to happen to them; request prayer for the world situation where chaos seems to rule and the nations need to turn to Christ

Something to Consider

Did You Know?

Since 1945, all British tanks have included equipment to make tea. After all, war should be civilized.

Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin were all nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. These three thought the world would have been peaceful if everyone had just done it their way.

The Roman Emperor Caligula made one of his favorite horses a senator. No comment about the current political scene.

In 1493 Columbus thought he saw mermaids, but claimed they were not as people said. In fact, he said, in the face they looked like men. We think he saw manatees. Kind of makes you think a little differently about “The Little Mermaid.”

The actor Charlie Chaplin entered a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like competition in San Francisco. He came in 20th place. He should have tried harder to look like himself.

During the 1800s in America, it was considered cruel to feed lobster to convicts. Now it’s cruel to have to pay the price for lobsters for dinner.

Between 1900 and 1920, Tug of War was an Olympic event. It was given up when they realized it didn’t pull in enough competition. Get it. Not enough pull.

In 1929, researchers at Princeton University turned a live cat into a telephone. The cat still didn’t come when he was called.

The Civil War began on William McLean’s farm. He moved away to escape the fighting. The war ended at his new house at Appomattox. He was heard to say, “I give up.”

The smallest Major League Baseball player of all time was 3’ 7” Eddie Gaedel. He walked in his only plate appearance. He always complained that his career was too short.

Ketchup was once sold as a medicine. It was supposed to cure jaundice, rheumatism, and indigestion. Didn’t help much with my indigestion with the last hot dog I ate.

These things are all true. And something else that is true is that God passionately loves you and has His eye on you. There’s nothing weird or strange about that. But it is remarkable, nonetheless. God bless you.


Trust in the Lord and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Take delight in the Lord,

and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him and he will do this:
He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn,

your vindication like the noonday sun.

Psalm 37:3-6


With a definite country music feel, and a great video that tells its own story, enjoy this great old gospel song, “Victory in Jesus”


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