Worldwide Prayer Meeting

Jan 18, 2024 | by Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee

Prayer Focus - Russia Territory

Praise the Lord! We thank God for the moment we are in. Just think of it. It took all the moments of your life before to get you to where you are right now. Maybe you are where you expected to be or maybe you are surprised by it. Never mind. This is where you are and it is in this place where God can bless you today. Praise the Lord!


Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for the world You created and set us in. It truly is a place of wonder. With David, we sing, The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.” We can’t get over all You have done, not only in the heavens but in the tiniest things around us. The flowers can’t see their colors, but we can. The birds don’t know the beauty of their songs but we do. You have allowed us to understand in a small part the marvel of what You have done. Help us this day to stop and look around and appreciate not only that You have done these things but that You have allowed us to experience them as well. The glory is Yours, O Father. We rejoice in You, our Sovereign God. Amen.


Enjoy this energetic timbrel team from the Russia Territory.


Background of the Russia Territory

The Russian Federation possesses the largest land mass of any nation on earth. It encompasses 83 administrative districts, 46 oblasts (provinces), 21 republics, 9 territories, 4 autonomous okrugs, 1 autonomous oblast and 2 federal cities. It spans 9 time zones from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. Within its borders are vast natural resources including gas, oil, timber, minerals and huge amounts of arable land that afford almost limitless economic potential. But Russia has been limited by few decent seaports, poor infrastructure, and an economy that has sputtered along despite every effort to get it moving in the right direction. The international sanctions placed on Russia as a result of the Ukraine conflict has resulted in further hardship, especially for the poor.

Adding to this is the sharp decline in the Russian population by an estimated 500,000 a year. Abortion rates are higher than live births. The rate of alcoholism in Russia is among the highest in the world.

A country since the 8th Century, it has been largely ruled by totalitarian governments of one form or another. Christianity has been the dominant religion, mostly defined through the Russian Orthodox Church. Under communism, the Russian Orthodox Church suffered horribly with estimates of over 20 million who were martyred, mostly in the Siberian gulags. Despite efforts by communism to wipe it out, the 1000 year history of the church gives it tremendous influence in Russian life to the present day.

When communism collapsed, there was a rush of many other Christian groups into Russia. Some were not very responsible nor were they sensitive to the culture. This caused some resentment, particularly among the Orthodox church leaders who had borne the suffering of decades of persecution. This has moderated somewhat but there still remains a tension that shows itself at times that makes it difficult for non-Orthodox Christian denominations to operate or register.

The Salvation Army: Work was originally opened in Russia in 1910 by Colonel Jen Povlsen of Denmark but closed after 18 months. They were later restarted in St. Petersburg in 1913 as an extension of Finland and after the February 1917 revolution, the work flourished. Russia then became a separate command but when the October 1918 revolution occurred, 40 officers were left behind to continue as best they could. This they did until the Army was banned in 1923.

Work was recommenced in July 1991, overseen by the Norway, Iceland and Faeroes Territory under Lt. Colonels John and Bjorg Bjartveit. It became its own district in November 1992 under the leadership of Commissioner Reinder Schurink. Work was extended to Ukraine (1993), Georgia (1993), Moldova (1994) and Romania (1999). In June 2001 the command was named the Eastern European Command, and subsequently raised to a territory on March 1, 2005.

A restructuring occurred in August 2015 in Eastern Europe with Russia becoming a command in its own right under the leadership of Lt. Colonel Alexander Karkov. It was raised to territory status in 2023.

Facts, Stats and Leadership of the Russia Territory

  • Total population with which to fish and disciple: 143,957,079
  • 20 officers, 4 cadets, 38 employees
  • 13 corps
  • 248 senior soldiers
  • 164 adherents
  • 38 junior soldiers


  • Territorial Commander: Lt. Colonel Alexander Kharkov
  • Chief Secretary: Major Svetlana Sharova
  • Territorial President of Women’s Ministries: Major Inna Khurina

Prayer Requests for the Russia Territory

  • Physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of our officers and soldiers.

  • Wisdom in finding way forward to continue the mission of The Salvation Army in Russia.

  • New ways of reaching out to people.
  • New ways of self-support and sustainability

USA Southern Territory Prayer Requests

  • The family of Major Steve Welch, who was Promoted to Glory this week
  • The family of Major Sam Warnock, who was Promoted to Glory this week  
  • Lt. Colonel Karol Seiler, Director of International Personnel Services/Personnel Special Projects
  • Major Valencia Lewis, Social Services Support Officer, Social Services
  • Candidates Department
  • Daphne Bryant, Chief Accountant, Finance
  • Emma Edelman, Territorial Child & Adult Safety Coordinator, Personnel
  • Flo Knox, Executive Administrative Assistant, Business Administration
  • Major Anita Caldwell, Director of Curriculum, EBC
  • Cadet John Osbourn
  • Captain Jonathan Needham, Divisional Candidates’ Secretary, Kentucky/Tennessee Division
  • Lt. Colonel Susan Ellis, National Program and Special Projects Officer, NHQ
  • Majors Anthony & Elizabeth Juliana, officers, cadets, and employees of the Evangeline Booth College
  • Music forces
  • Anonymous prayer request for relief from terrible headaches and high blood pressure that is causing fear of a stroke; praising God for His saving grace that allows us to be ready when we are called to meet Him face-to-face

Something to Consider


When I research videos for the Worldwide Prayer meetings, I try to find something from the places where we are focusing. Depending on where it is, the offerings can vary widely. For some it is difficult to narrow it down because so much is available. For others, it is hard to find videos that are of good quality but I sometimes use ones even of poor quality because it gives a taste of what things are like where the Army is.

For Russia it was difficult to find much of anything. As you can see from the statistics above, it is a small territory. But I found a couple of very nice videos. But I noticed something on them that I had not seen from the other places. Under the videos it says, “Comments are turned off.” Usually there are a string of encouraging comments but not here. Why, I wondered.

Then it occurred to me that likely it was because of international events. The nation of Russia in involved in a very unpopular conflict. Maybe some of the international resentment would spill over and target these beautiful Salvationist girls who were only performing for the glory of God. What a shame if that was indeed the reason.

I recall that General Bramwell Booth was deeply distressed when the First World War broke out, not only because of the devastation that the conflict would bring but because he could not bear the thought that Salvationists would be pointing guns at each other. While we understand that as citizens of a country we should love our native lands, we remember that we are also citizens of Heaven with a higher allegiance to our King. Regardless of our nationalities here, we will gather before the Lamb as one people for eternity.

So, no comments can be made on YouTube for these precious girls in Russia. But here we can say something:

We are proud of you, girls. We love that you wore crosses on your tee shirts and that you gathered under the same Salvation Army flag that we do. If we are not able to see you face to face here, we look forward to greeting you in the presence of Jesus one day when no one will have to shield you from rudeness and you can dance freely to the glory of God.


So shall my moment flow

In praising Thee,

For Thou hast never failed

To strengthen me;

Filled with the Holy Ghost,

Saved to the uttermost,

In Christ alone I’ll boast

And forward go.

-The Salvation Army Song Book, #620, vs. 3


Let’s praise God together. “Great are You, Lord”



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