Worldwide Prayer Meeting

Feb 20, 2024 | by Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee

Pena Palace - Lisbon

Worldwide Prayer Meeting

February 22, 2024

Prayer Focus -

Spain & Portugal Territory


Martin Luther’s great hymn reminds us:

A mighty fortress is our God,

A bulwark never failing;

Our helper He, amid the flood,

Of mortal ills prevailing.

For still our ancient foe

Doth seek to work us woe;

His craft and power are great,

And, armed with cruel hate,

Of earth is not his equal.

The Salvation Army Song Book #1 vs. 1


Dear God, It is so important for us to remember that You are our fortress, our protection, our place of safety in the storms and battles of life. As Martin Luther’s great hymn reminds us, we have a terrible enemy that would crush us if it were not for You. We know the power of evil is real. We see it in operation in the world and we see it in our own lives. But we have a mighty Savior who redeemed us from sin and the blessed Holy Spirit whose power sustains us so that we can resist evil and the evil one. Dear God, if it were not for You, we would be swamped like some little rowboat in a storm. Thank You for the power that You gave with the gift of salvation. Thank You for Your watchful eye that lets us know that assures us that even as no little sparrow falls to the ground without You knowing it, nothing happens to us that escapes Your notice.

I trust in You this day. Thank You that I can run to You and be safe. I pray this in the powerful name of Jesus, Your Son. Amen.


The young people in Portugal sing a song by Ben Cotterill entitled, “We are an Army” – in English. Enjoy the song and their enthusiasm! 


Background of the

Spain & Portugal Territory

Portugal: An independent kingdom since 1143, Portugal had for many years suffered through difficult economic times. This improved with its entry into the European Union in 1986. The country still has significant challenges before it catches up with the rest of Europe.

            After a 48-year dictatorship ended in 1974, freedom of religion was guaranteed but with the Catholic Church being given favored status. The Catholic Church has remained strongly traditional with its greatest influence in the southern area of the country. Since 1974, evangelical churches have shown encouraging growth while countering this at the same time there has been a drift toward materialism, substance abuse and individualism.

Spain: The larger of the two countries both in size of land and population, Spain also has a large immigrant population of over six million. It was under the Franco dictatorship from 1939 until 1975, which hampered its growth and development, but things improved significantly once it entered the European Union in 1986. Its main industries are tourism and agriculture.

The 1978 constitution guarantees freedom of religion but with the Catholic Church given special consideration. With this provision, Protestant growth has been encouraging. But Spain shows some of the same trends as much of Europe with morality and values that have declined, as well as growth in the interest in the occult and New Age teaching. Drug use is increasing as well as gambling addiction. Only 14% of young people describe themselves as religious.

The Salvation Army: Work began in Spain in May 1971 when Captain and Mrs. Enrique Roy were appointed to Lan Couruña. In July 1971 work commenced in Portugal in Porto. The two commands were combined on February 1, 2013, to form the Spain and Portugal Command. In 2023, the command was elevated to the status of a territory.

Facts, Stats and Leadership of

the Spain & Portugal Territory

  • Total population to fish and disciple: 57,491,862
  • 32 officers, 1 envoy, 3 cadets, 105 employees
  • 5 retired officers
  • 17 corps
  • 457 senior soldiers
  • 68 adherents
  • 37 junior soldiers



Territorial Commander – Lt. Colonel Rafael Giusti

Chief Secretary – Major Sandra Bastos Carreño

Territorial President of Women’s Ministries – Lt. Colonel Karina Giusti

Prayer Requests for the

Spain & Portugal Territory

We thank God for:

  • Our three cadets of the Defenders of Justice session who are in their second year of training.
  • For the commitment of our local officers.
  • For the success of the united events between the two countries, Spain and Portugal.  These events had great impact and blessing to the whole territory and brought new encouragement and spiritual growth.

We ask for:

  • Inspiration and commitment from the whole territory for the strategic plan 2024-2026.
  • The seven aspirants we have to have to start training to become Salvation Army officers for the next few years.
  • Inspiration and commitment to evangelise in whatever ways we are allowed in each place, using the creativity, gifts, and talents of our people.
  • The revival of core activities in Women's Ministries in all corps.
  • Courage, strength and blessing for all officers, staff, and volunteers.

  • Growth of The Salvation Army in Spain and Portugal.

USA Southern Territory

Prayer Requests

  • The family of Commissioner Marjorie Hodder, past leader of the Southern Territory, who was recently Promoted to Glory
  • Commissioner Donna Igleheart, Territorial President of Women’s Ministries
  • Mission, Evangelism & Cultural Ministries Department
  • Ikesha Herron, Accounting Clerk, Finance
  • Bethany Farrell, Territorial Creative Arts Director, Music & Creative Arts
  • Connie Dunn, HR Policy & Compliance Director, Human Resources
  • Major Bradley Caldwell, Pastoral Care Coordinator, EBC
  • Cadet Justin Taylor
  • Captain Elyse Doborwicz, Divisional Candidates’ Secretary, Arkansas & Oklahoma Division
  • Lt. Colonel Lesa Davis, Editor-in-Chief, NHQ
  • Lt. Colonels Ronnie & Sharon Raymer, officers, soldiers, employees, and volunteers of the North & South Carolina Division
  • Transitional Housing
  • Anonymous prayer request for ourselves, that we would bask in all of God’s blessings; request prayer for our military, mindful that without their protection our country would be exposed to great harm

Something to Consider

           During the First World War, the Germans sent over massive zeppelins to attack London. After the bombs had dropped, panic spread, not only because of the loss of life and damage from the raid but because of the fear of losing all the great national treasures within the city. Fortunately, because the zeppelins were easily shot down the raids did not pose any serious ongoing threat. After the war was over concern lingered. What if there were another war? If London was bombed once, might it not be bombed again?

            The custodians of St. Paul’s Cathedral were particularly aware that the dome was an inviting target. And because of the architecture, it was extremely vulnerable to collapse with the right placement of a single explosive. They knew they could not keep the bombs from falling but they could do something to strengthen the dome. So, the pillars that held the dome were infused with concrete. They hoped against hope that no bomb would ever fall but if any did, the structure was now strengthened.

            When a little more than two decades later the Nazis turned the City of London into an inferno on December 29, 1940 (when The Salvation Army International Headquarters was destroyed), St. Paul’s Cathedral was targeted. Although fires ringed the great building, it was in turn ringed by 200 firefighters who fought off the flames. Bombs hit the cathedral several times during the overall bombing campaign, shaking the ancient building, but the dome stood tall, above the smoke and ruin. The pillars did their job.

            Jesus told the besieged believers in the tiny, struggling church in the Asian city of Philadelphia that “The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God” (Revelation 3:12). In a way that only God can make it so, He uses the likes of us to make His Church stand through the powers unleashed against it. When Satan attacks, we are the ones on the frontlines that He strengthens and fights through to repel those attacks.

            Witness this. The Church has been assaulted time and again, time and again. Still, it stands. Because this is the work of God, and it is marvelous in our eyes. We are His pillars in the temple of God.


May you go forth in this day in synch with God’s Spirit and in step with His divine melody so that your life is an expression of praise to Him. Amen.


How great is our God! 


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