Worldwide Prayer Meeting

Feb 6, 2024 | by Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee

The ancient city of Djenné

Prayer Focus - Mali Region


Moses declared: “I will sing to the Lord, for He is highly exalted. The Lord is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him” (Exodus 15:1,2). Maybe you are ready to sing out a song this morning and maybe you’re not. But take a moment to lift your heart in praise to our God who has gifted you with life and who has allowed you to know Him through grace so that you might be saved.


Most holy God, Thank You for the gift of this day. Thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit who indwells all those who have been born again and who speaks to us, helping us to know and do Your will. Help me to remember I am not only here to do what I need to do for myself and my family, but I am here for Your purposes as well. Help me to see the opportunities You give me to say words of encouragement to someone, to forgive rather than hold a grudge, to notice those in my life who are hurting and suffering and to pray for the needs in my community. Help me to remember that I am where I am for a purpose, Your purpose, and that this day is not just for me to do what I think needs to be done but to be ready to do Your will. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


This is an excellent short presentation about The Salvation Army in Burkina Faso done a couple of years ago. It is well worth your time to watch.


Background of the Mali Region

             Mali: Mali achieved independence from France in 1950. One of the world’s poorest countries, it has a per capita income of approximately US$2.25 per day. Subsistence farming and fishing occupies 80% of the population but this is hampered by drought, locust plagues and deforestation. Cotton growing employs one third of the population, but this is highly subject to world market conditions. Two-thirds of the land is desert or semi-desert.

            Literacy rates are low. One fifth of children do not survive until they are five years old, and one-third are malnourished. Almost 50% of the population is under 14 years old. The average family has over five children despite the extreme poverty.

            It has had a stable government despite this although it has struggled with some violence in the northern parts of the country from Islamic extremists. Although the country is overwhelmingly Muslim, it is a moderate form of Islam that has shown itself tolerant of Christianity and other religions. Freedom of religion is guaranteed.

            Christianity in Mali is growing slowly. There is a great spirit of unity and cooperation among the churches and opportunities for evangelism are abundant. Resources are an issue with few educational institutions, a need for Bible translation and other literature. With literacy rates as low as they are, electronic media is a particular need.

            Burkina Faso: Burkina Faso was granted independence from France in 1960. It has had a series of coups that have left destabilized the government to the present time. The latest has been caused by an Islamic insurgency, complicated by power struggles between democratically elected leaders and a series of military coups that overthrew them. During the Islamic insurgency, a number of atrocities took place, each side blaming the other for committing them.

            Burkina Faso, like Mali, is among one of the poorest countries on earth. It is landlocked with 90% of its population dependent on subsistence farming, cotton being the main cash crop. There is gold as well as other mineral resources that provide some hope for potential income. Per capita income is roughly US$2.30 per day. Literacy rates are fast improving, now near 70%, while 40% of the population is under 14 years old.

            Christianity in Burkina Faso is doing well and growing. Although the country has a majority Muslim population, 26% is Christian. But it is not always a pure form. The occult is very real both among the Christians and the Muslims. The rapid expansion of the church, while good news, has left a shortage of trained leaders and resources because of the country’s poverty.

            The Salvation Army: The Army opened in Mali following an invitation to do so and was registered in 2007. Work began under the oversight of the Nigeria Territory. Officers were appointed in 2008 and Mali was declared a separate region in April 2010. Unofficial work was begun in neighboring Burkina Faso in 2012, officially opening in June 2018.

Facts, Stats and Leadership

of the Mali Region

  • Total population to fish and disciple: 47,270,995
  • 20 officers, 22 envoys, 6 employees
  • 8 corps, 14 outposts
  • 984 senior soldiers
  • 391 adherents
  • 541 junior soldiers


Regional Commander – Lt. Colonel Blaise Kombo

Regional Secretary – Captain André Mérè Bara Togo

Regional Secretary for Women’s Ministries – Lt. Evelyn Kombo

Prayer Requests for the Mali Region

Prayers of thanksgiving:

  • We thank for the good transition period that the region went through with changes of leaders.
  • We thank God the good establishment of the new regional leaders.

Prayers needed for:

  • Stability and security in both countries, Mali and Burkina Faso
  • Mali constitution to remain secular which provides protection to the few Christians
  • May the Lord grant each Malian a spirit of unity, cohesion, and patriotism
  • The regional leaders as they lead the Army in a Muslim context
  • The regional review taking place from 15-24 April 2024 with the International Secretary and the Zonal Secretary for Women’s Ministries
  • The establishment of an Officers Training College in Mali and Burkina Faso Region for the growth of the ministry
  • God’s leading during the selection of candidates for officership.
  • God's  leading to reach the unreached through the community development program.
  • The expansion of the ministry in Segou, Fana, Basian Bini, Markala and Kenparana during 2024.
  • The sections to become districts in 2024.
  • The official launching of Scouts’ Brigade in Mali and Burkina Faso
  • The senior and junior soldiers to be true disciples of Christ.
  • Salvationists to cultivate a sincere and deep personal relationship with the Lord.
  • More new souls to Jesus through the ministry of The Salvation Army
  • That the Lord may grant officers and candidates continuous spiritual and physical health as they work in God ‘s vineyard
  • To see opportunities in our different challenges
  • The implementation of the regional 2024 activity calendar and strategic plan.

USA Southern Territory

Prayer Requests

  • The family of William Criss, Jr., son of Major Janice Criss Wall, who was Promoted to Glory this past week
  • The family of James Ernest Justice, father of Captain Kevin Justice, who was Promoted to Glory this past week
  • The family of Scottie Long, brother of Captain Robert Long, who was Promoted to Glory this past week
  • The family of Major Helen Sue Warnock Watts, who was Promoted to Glory this past week
  • Lt. Colonel Carolee Israel, Territorial Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
  • Major Joy Robbins, Executive Assistant to the Territorial President of Women’s Ministries
  • Finance Department
  • Christopher Hogan, Training and Evaluation Director, Social Services
  • Joshua Powell, Contemporary Music Specialist, Music
  • Adriana Limandri, Digital Media Developer, Communications
  • Captain Jordan Hinson, Director of Mission and Ministry, EBC
  • Cadet Criselda DeLeon
  • Colonel Paula Johnson, Divisional Candidates’ Secretary, Texas Division
  • Colonel Sue-Ellen Betts, Secretary for Personnel, NHQ
  • Lt. Colonels Kent & Melody Davis, officers, soldiers, employees and volunteers of the Florida Division
  • Holiness meetings
  • Anonymous prayer request for peace in their household and that everyone would come to know the Lord
  • Ask that all would look at their lives and seek to become more Christlike; praying for strength to keep the enemy (Satan) at bay as he is attacks

Something to Consider

During the dark days of the French penal colony of Devil’s Island in French Guiana, The Salvation Army was allowed to operate. It tried to provide some relief, some measure of humanity in inhumane conditions, hope where little hope existed. Its efforts were heroic and in large measure, resulted in the penal colony eventually closing.

The Mosquito Death Ray was a sincere, if not somewhat comically misguided effort, to provide relief from the very real problem of malaria. The brainstorm of Mon. Gourdon, the death ray was straight out of Buck Rogers. Supposedly, the machine could kill millions of mosquitoes within a radius of ten miles when fully operational. Although there was a great deal of ballyhoo about the machine and its promise to relieve conditions for the convicts, after the initial announcement, no more mention was made. The death ray was a dud.

Although it is funny to think that there might be some kind of death ray to rid the world of nasty bugs, when it was realized at Devil’s Island that this hope was dashed, that malaria would continue to sap the life out of convicts and colonists alike, the disappointment must have been crushing. There was no deliverance.

Sometimes there are miracles but most often there are not. While we hear about the lottery winners, there are no cameras rolling to record the ones whose hopes were snuffed when their numbers were not chosen.

God could have put the Promised Land on the opposite shore from the Red Sea. Jesus could have returned one week after He ascended into Heaven. Miracles and breakthroughs could happen every day of our lives. But God has not chosen shortcuts as the way for us.

The miracles and the breakthroughs are wonderful blessings when they come but His purpose is for us to walk by faith, a step at a time, trusting, trusting, trusting as He makes us into what He wants us to be.


Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. (Jude 24,25).


This is a great song about Christ, the chain breaker!


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