New Territorial Sergeant Major Installed

Aug 30, 2024 | by Kristin Mudge

Bible Conference 2024 was filled with beautiful moments of grace and fellowship, the Holy Spirit a palpable presence throughout the many sessions of edifying Bible teaching. The Monday evening session held a particularly special time as the Southern Territory installed a new territorial sergeant major (TSM), Salomon Elias from the Lewisville (Texas) Corps.

“The primary function of the TSM is to represent the soldiery of The Salvation Army,” Commissioner Kelly Igleheart, territorial commander, explained to those present. They are “to act as a communication link between the soldiers and the territorial command.”

“Our territorial sergeant major is a corps local officer in good standing and demonstrates a lifestyle of sound Christian principles, mature judgement, understanding, and adherence to Salvationist principles, doctrine, and practices. They must maintain a life of purity and integrity,” Commissioner Kelly continued.

“Salomon, as you prepare to accept this charge placed upon you, I share with you the deep conviction that God has been guiding you in this direction all of your life. And I see testimony of that in your officers who came before you, your parents, and so many others you represent.”

In their recommendation testimony, Majors Dwayne and Marion Durham, Salomon’s corps officers, wrote, “Salomon is always seeking to do what is right and is mindful of how decisions affect others, considering the feelings of others. Salomon demonstrates great discernment and wisdom.”

Salomon’s parents became Salvation Army officers when he was young, instilling a love of Jesus and The Salvation Army in him and his sisters from an early age. He is fully engaged in service and ministry at his corps, is fluent in English and Spanish, is a loving husband and father, and has just returned to his music education background after several years working in multiple administrative capacities for The Salvation Army in Dallas, accepting a position as an elementary music teacher.

“The Lord has blessed me in so many ways,” Salomon told those gathered. “He also put people, a lot of you, in my life to instruct me, to lead me, to reprimand me, put me back on the right path, take care of me, and love me along the way.”

“I thank everyone here that is a leader in some capacity, a teacher of some sort, because you are teachers,” Salomon continued. “You’re teachers of God’s Word. And our job is to win souls for His Kingdom. So, continue doing that. And maybe 32 years from now, you will see the fruits of your teaching.”

Former TSM Jeremy Rowland from the Gwinnett County Corps in Georgia served in the role for about five years, faithfully and consistently bringing ideas and concerns from around the territory to the attention of territorial leadership. The process of identifying the one to follow him into this critical position has taken over a year, scanning the entire territory, poring over many excellent applications and recommendations from the Territorial Executive Council, to identify the person that could best represent all the soldiers of the territory. The role of TSM is a three-year term which can be renewed as necessary.

Commissioner Donna led the congregation in prayer over the new TSM, asking God, “As Salomon steps into this significant role, will you equip him, empower him, and use him as a living example of your love? May your Spirit fill him with love, joy, and kindness as he embodies your truth in everything.”

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